Who is a Rishi?
There is some understanding that I wish to share with you about, who is a Rishi?
A person who is able to convert spontaneous experience into a technique, which if repeated gives the same experience, is a Rishi.
I will give you a few definitions of a Rishi. A Rishi is a being, who is very excited, very deeply happy within; such a person breaks into song easily. If a person is deeply worried and feels very strained, will he stop shouting? Can there be a flow of music?
A divine experience is like music. A person, who is very happy within, has his mind filled with music. Listening to wonderful music will make you also, happy. Thus music creates Ananda; inner joy and Ananda creates Music. Both are true. One is a technique used to produce music, which creates the effect of Ananda, while the other is being in a state of Ananda, which gives rise to music.
One who is able to write music in such a way that another person can read that music, play it and reproduce the same music is a Rishi. He is spontaneous. Music is written through a code system, the Sapta Suras, -'Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa Dha, Ni, Sa.' Through these sapta suras, you can produce any music. It was a Rishi, who discovered that all sounds can be set to Sapta Suras.
Most of the scientists today are Rishis because they codify a truth and present it in such a way that if other people to apply the same principle, they too would create the same effect, which nature would have created.
By this definition, Newton was a Rishi, like all other scientists. Many important Rishi's have made their contribution thus. One of them wrote a whole treatise on the structure of the universe. It is based on the triangle. Another very great Rishi, was the first to discover the two-dimensional model of the earth's sphere, which represents the exact dimensions of each country. He discovered that normally in our maps, the physical characteristics of an area may show a particular given piece of land as small. But in reality, the same appears much larger when seen closer to the pole. In doing so he was able to give exact dimensions for each country on a two dimensional plan. He is a Rishi.
Rishis have always been coming into this world, but we have not gone deeper into silence, we have lost it all. 5000 years ago India was full of Rishis who discovered more and more and contributed more and more to the world. After those golden years, no particular discovery or major invention has happened in India in the last 5000 years, because we lost the method of how to become a Rishi.
- By Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar