Wednesday, 23 May 2012

rishi prabhakar

Three Levels of Silence...

In terms of Siddha Samadhi Yoga I will give you three levels of silence, which are very  important  to  understand. To go into yourself and experience the silence within yourself, this is called Laya Samadhi. This is what we teach in the first course. For 15 days you learn how to enter into 15 minutes of silence samadhi within yourself.

My Guruji  taught me the art of effortless living. When our living becomes more and more effortless, more and more easy, only then are we progressing in the right direction. If our life becomes more and more difficult, then we are doing something wrong.

First we must learn to live with ourselves easily, so that 'I don't become  a  problem  to  myself'. The first step is to be able to close your eyes for 15 minutes without worrying about anything and become quiet, silent, happy and peaceful within  yourself.

To learn not to be a problem to yourself. To be able to do so, we   have to leave it to God at least for 15 minutes, to take over and nurture us. For 15 minutes you have let go and surrender to the Divine. When you are at the hands of the divine you don’t experience any problem.

It requires courage to let go. It does not require so much courage to hold on-to some-thing. Once you say it is all God's, once you let go and flow with 'life, you experience the joy of life’. What we are learning is this process of letting go.

After that we begin to trust a little more and we begin to let go a little more! Let go! Let go! And then our life becomes easier. You experience the first level Aham Brahmasmi, I am  Divine.

The Second level is that of Nitya Samadhi AMC - Advance Meditation Course, when you start letting go and surrender to another person. You start having total trust in that person. Now begins a new process. You begin to see God in the another person. This stage is called - Tat  Tvamasi.

The first one was Aham Brahmasmi, that you experienced. The Second level is Tat tvamasi, I see the same God in you.  As two people let go totally with each other, then a soul to soul connection will happen. The feeling then is one of ecstasy, a very continuous bond of relationship.

Most people who go through an AMC with their partners, have a fantastic relationship for the rest of their life. They just go for a blind walk and when they come back, they feel so protected by the other that they  start feeling the other to be their nearest, dearest, closest friend. And that relationship goes on for years together, for the whole lifetime. The relationship is between two people. This is the second experience of letting go, of being at ease. This helps you to be with people and let go with people.

Normally we are resistant to the next person.  We don't know what he is going to do. Now as we let go, we don't have to worry. When  we experience that person as good  as God, with whom we can completely let go, then a different relationship  begins  to happen. By going through AMC regularly,  you start developing trust with everybody. This trust will elevate  you  and  the  other  person's  life.

Not only will you be happy within yourself but you will be able to    share the happiness with the other person also. So, the other person  also feels that this person is good to be with. He cares for me, he is able to be with me, so I can trust him. And you bring about a different atmosphere around the people. So you are a welcome guest anywhere.

The Third level is that of effortless living: (Visistha Samadhi).This requires more courage, not just practice. The courage to let go for 15 minutes gives you Laya Samadhi. The courage to let go for three days will get you  Nitya Samadhi.

The next Samadhi is a very powerful Samadhi. This is called Vasistha Samadhi. It happens when you go to Satya Narayan Vrata or Bhava Samadhi Training. Here you enter into Satya and have nothing to hide. Each one of us is hiding some Satya, truth and that is why  our life is hard. Every one of us is afraid of being totally truthful,  we hide something and that is what is our Ahankara - ego.

So this third step of silence comes  out of Satya - Truth, and gives courage  to remain in Satya - Truth.

 - By Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar

Monday, 21 May 2012

Rishi Prabhakar SSY
Evolution of a Rishi

How to become a Rishi?
Basically a Rishi is someone who is able to delve deep into silence. This is the first qualification of a Rishi.  The second is  to be able to evolve a hypothesis or theory behind a process that is happening.

A  Scientific understanding:  It is the ability to collect information and develop a theory based on this data.Once the data is collected, then you go into yourself, into a field of intuition, not intellectualization, where all this data, will fit to develop a particular theory.

Once you get this theory, which fits all this experimental observation then you have intuited the proper theory.Intuiting a theory requires a very great depth of silence, this is what Einstein  and  Newton  did.

SIDDHA SAMADHI YOGA… Understanding Silence

The first quality is to go deeper within. Siddha Samadhi Yoga is a new dimension in meditation, the same meditation, which was forgotten.

Everybody was practicing the 'doing process' in meditation. They forgot that in meditation nothing needs to be done. Total surrenderful-ness is meditation.

People are struggling to become silent. Once you become silent then most of your diseases disappear. Most of these diseases are because of disturbances in the mind and once people go into deeper and deeper silence, they will automatically experience greater and greater Ananda;  inner  joy.

SSY is this new understanding of  the old processes and once you understand and go through this program, everything becomes so totally clear, so totally easy. Before experiencing silence, if people were to listen to a Bhagwad Gita lecture, they would be more confused than ever before, but now silence makes  it very open and easy to understand.

 - By Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar