Thursday, 16 August 2012

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE? Guruji's own words

In this talk, Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar talks about how we, in our daily rat run (Busy life), have forgotten the essence of Joyful Living and importance of commune. He brings back to us the spirit that grows in togetherness and Ananda~

In every training, this should be centrally focused. What is the Purpose of life?

If you ask a boy who studies in class 9th, what is the purpose of life? For him, it is simply to pass the tenth standard. If you ask a twelfth standard student, his  purpose  will be to get admission  in  college. What is the purpose of life to a girl after graduation? It is to get married to an appropriate person.   After graduation for a boy, it is simply to get a good job.
For parents, the purpose it is to bring up the child.  By the age of - 50 to 60, what is the purpose of life? It is simply to see that their children are well settled, and see their grandchild and that is the end of their life.

Is the purpose of life just to pass the 12th standard? We have really forgotten what is life? What is it that you have to learn? Why are you studying with so much strain?

First and foremost, it is important to learn to sit quietly, otherwise life is useless.

If you can sit quietly for 30 minutes and be happy, I do not have to tell you anything. To demonstrate this, with Kaya kalpa Kriya (A program by Guruji), the mind begins to settle down, and person can sit quietly, without being disturbed by the outside world or any other thought.

The Purpose of life is - ‘to be happy within’. Being contented and happy is very important. To carry this silence and Ananda (joyfulness) is the very purpose of life.

When you are with me for 3 days, your whole day will pass like this. If you be with me for some more days, your whole life will be like this. 
You go to work and come back with money and you are constantly causing pollution. You must not work where your work is a waste, why can’t you sit quietly? If you don’t work then what should you do? Come to me I will give you food and shelter and look after your family.
I learnt this very early in life, at the age of 21. While I was working in a Canadian Company, I never punched my attendance card, which showed the time of entry and exit. Now it happened that everyone was angry with me, except for my supervisor. All my colleagues were very upset with me.
The office gave me a project, which other people needed 15 days to complete. I completed it within a few hours. But, the complaint against me had gone to the President of the Company. When my supervisor was questioned, he cleared the situation with him. He said, ‘the others do punch in their cards, but they take 15 days to finish the same task, while he who does not punch his card takes only a few hours to finish the same task.’ So my supervisor asked, ‘should I fire those people or him?’   So they would send me to the library, saying - ‘you go and study, we will call you,  if  you  are  needed  here.’ 

I don’t do something, unless I really want to do it, I don't do it  for  the  sake  of  money.
How many of you are going to work happily?  
You cannot say this; I can say it. You are living in small houses. Create an Ashram where thousands of people can come.

The Purpose of life is to live  happily with others. Being with you  must  become  a  paradise.
God has given us so many Ashrams. What we need to change is the - ‘Purpose  of  life.’

Why do we need to create efficient managers?  They  will  kill the world. We should be the contributors to the world. Through yoga everybody  will  be living  together. Only talking about togetherness will not help, living together is required. Nobody can escape this. Look into what holds you back? What is your problem?
Abandon this way of  living. Abandon greed, and you will become effective in this path. Even a person in the village can understand this.

Spend more and more time to be  yogi rather than a bhogi (one who just bears, rather suffers  life). All your time and money  is  going  to  be  spent  on  hospitals. This stand on living in togetherness, will come only when you live your life in a yogic way. Our children can be looked after by the ladies, who are relieved from kitchen duty, by using  a  common  kitchen.

Here productivity increases many fold. If a man is practicing pranayam (a practise of efficient breathing to energies body taught in SSY- Siddha Samadhi Yoga)  for  3  to  5 hours in a day, something more becomes available to him? Manikeshwari Amma  has  not  eaten  for  60  years.

The first purpose of life is to be happy with yourself and with people  around  you.

We need only 40 acres land to host  100 families. Our teachers need not look for a job or go and do some business. Here, our teachers can  be  the central point for bringing prosperity in the world. They can  demonstrate this, by living on  fruits, uplift the villages by their participation, green the surroundings and in short bring prosperity  to  the  land.
-Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar